Abstract submision-2017

Abstract submission deadline : 15-04-2017

Guidelines for abstract preparation:

A concise and factual abstract is required. Abstracts should summarize the contents of the article in 300 words or less. The abstract should be structured in the following format:

Background: In one or two sentences, summarize the scientific body of knowledge surrounding your study and how this led to your investigation.

Hypothesis/Purpose: State the theory(ies) that you are attempting to prove or disprove by your study or the purpose if no hypothesis exists.

Study Design: Identify the overall design of your study.

Methods: Succinctly summarize the overall methods you used in your investigation. For clinical studies include the study population, type of intervention, method of data collection, and length of the study.

Results: Report the most important results of your study. Only include positive results that are statistically significant, or important negative results that are supported by adequate power. For clinical studies report actual data, not just P values.

Conclusion: State the answer to your original question or hypothesis. Summarize the most important conclusions that can be directly drawn from your study.

Online submission of abstracts

Please, prepare your abstract by using thisĀ Abstract Template and send to biopiracy@uni-mainz.de with email subject "Author name, abstract title"

Accepted abstracts will be published on line in Phytomedicine.